Tsuyuten Shrine is the center of prayer to local gods in Sonezaki, Umeda, and is known a...
“The Love Suicides at Sonezaki” starts with Ohatsu on a pilgrimage of the 33 Kannon site...
- Taiyuji Temple
- 2 91
This shrine in Umeda is the only one in the country that venerates Emperor Saga as its p...
- Tsunashiki Tenjin Shrine
- 3 144
This Nichiren Buddhist temple is home to the grave of Edo period prostitute Kashiku. She...
The origin of the name Gote comes from the Japanese word for “complain.” A jizo statue u...
- Gote Jizo
- 7 53
Located on the grounds of Dojima Avanza, the Yakushido Hall has been on this site since ...
- Dojima Yakushido Hall
- 10 89
Osaka Temmangu Shrine was built in 949 and enshrines the god Tenjin (the deified Sugawar...
This shrine is home to the god of prosperous business and is known affectionately by loc...
- Horikawa Ebisu Shrine
- 43 66
This shrine nestled in at the back of a small alley is dedicated to the albino Japanese ...
- Hakuryu Okami
- 55 152
The large tree and small shrine are surrounded by a fence and fronted by a red torii gat...
- Uguisuzuka
- 60 47