Despite being situated amongst the towering skyscrapers of Nakanoshima, you can sense th...
This complex was designed by Yoshihiko Mamiya in 2013 and is home to a popular Italian r...
- Nakanoshima Love Central
- 21 100
Ogimachi Park opened in 1923. Located near the entertainment districts of Umeda and Temm...
- Ogimachi Park
- 51 150
This facility opened in 1997 as the first true children’s museum in Japan. Packed with p...
- Kids Plaza Osaka
- 52 122
British media likened Umeda Sky Building to world-famous landmarks such as the Taj Mahal...
Nakanoshima Festival Tower is a 200-meter-high skyscraper that opened in 2012. The desig...
- Nakanoshima Festival Tower
- 79 108
Built in 2000, the Osaka International Convention Center is a multifunction facility tha...