• The memories of air raids remain to this day.
  • No. 92

Osaka was once a warzone

Bullet marks in old Nagarabashi Bridge and a memorial image of Kannon (Meirin Kanzeon Bodhisattva)
8-13 Tenjinbashi , Kita-ku, Osaka

During the bombing of Osaka on June 7, 1945, many had no place to take refuge, and nearly 400 lives were lost when the U.S. forces bombed and strafed with machinegun fire a spot of the riverbed under the bridge where refugees were sheltered. Part of the support bearing the bullet marks from this event was installed by local residents as a war relic when Nagarabashi Bridge was rebuilt in 1983, and the bullet holes have been marked in yellow paint.
An image of Kannon was erected to memorialize the victims, and being on a bridge with heavy traffic, many passersby offer prayers and flowers daily, reminding locals of the tragedy of war and the importance of peace.