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  • No. 35

Experience three generations of strong bonds between student and teacher

The grave of Koan Ogata
1-3-1 Doshin (In Ryukaiji Temple) , Kita-ku, Osaka

Known as the father of modern medicine in Japan, Koan Ogata is the founder of Tekijuku, a small school that later became the department of medicine at Osaka University. One of the graduates was Yukichi Fukuzawa. In admiration of his former teacher Tenyu Naka, Koan built his own grave at Ryukaiji Temple. Next to Koan’s grave is that of his student Masujiro Omura, in which is buried his right leg, which was cut off when he was assassinated. Omura’s grave was placed near Koan’s in accordance with the will of Masujiro, who admired his teacher.